Frequently Asked Questions
Visit the Apply page to locate Application & Membership Account Video Tutorials.
Get help with activating your BBHB Vitafy account, logging in to your account, requesting a blood donor match & more.
Can I advocate for medical freedom in my own state? (See answer to download our "Protect Medical Freedom" letter).
Yes, we encourage you to download this letter, Protect Medical Freedom, and email it to your state legislator. If you would, please CC so we can record who has been contacted.
How do I contact my State Legislator?
Visit to search for the elected officials in your state.
Do you have information available that can be shared with our State Representatives?
We are actively working on drafting legislation to be able to share with our members, who in turn can pass it on to their State Representatives in all fifty states. We welcome any help you are able to provide with this process. Please email if that is something you are able to help us move forward on.
When speaking to your State Representatives, it is important to remember that we are advocating for all medical freedoms including, but not limited to, the ability to choose our blood donation sources.
How can I help?
Here are a few suggestions for ways you can immediately begin to support BBHB.
- Become a member.
- Refer potential members.
- Share our website.
- Follow us on Twitter @BlessedBHB.
- Donate via GiveSendGo or Allegro (to receive a tax donation).
- Ask others to donate.
- Pray.
- Ask others to include us in their prayers.
- Lend us your professional skills. Fill out our Volunteer Opportunity Form, if you have a skill that can benefit our co-op. BBHB will let you know if your talent meets the current needs and mission for the co-op. No paid positions currently exist at BBHB.
How does the BBHB matching process work?
Potential members apply for a membership. Once approved, they can refer other potential members. When you are an official BBHB member, you can “request a match” [open case] if you require a blood donor.
What state is BBHB located in?
BBHB does not have a physical location. Our officers and board members are nationwide.
I cannot/do not want to receive text messages. May I still participate?
Yes. Please add and to your contacts to ensure delivery of emails to your inbox. BBHB will utilize both email and texting to communicate with members.
How will BBHB prevent infiltration by those with opposing agendas?
BBHB cannot guarantee that we will not be infiltrated. However, we have and we will continue to take steps to protect our co-op. Some of the steps we have taken are:
- Implementing a referral process.
- Creating a mandatory covenant to be signed by each applicant.
- Verification that a member has not received any treatment(s) that make(s) them ineligible to donate blood. This can be provided by a professional medical care provider, naturopath, chiropractor, licensed health professional, or your immunization record.
Are members invited to any board meetings?
All BBHB members will be notified of meeting dates via email two weeks in advance.
How do co-op members submit a question for the meetings?
Members must submit questions to 72 hours before the meeting.
Who can vote on proposed issues during meetings?
Each adult member receives one share of the co-op thereby entitling them to one vote.
How do I know that BBHB will protect my privacy?
BBHB will never sell or distribute any member’s personal information for any reason.
How do I terminate my membership?
If you would like to terminate your membership before the renewal date, please email and our team will help you.
Will the website have a login to find members nearby?
No. Members will not have access to locate other members. BBHB will never distribute member’s personal information for any reason. BBHB will be the only contact between members unless absolutely necessary to facilitate a match.
How many BBHB members live in my region?
BBHB is developing an interactive map for our website. The map will only indicate the quantity of blood types in each region, no personal information will be visible.
What happens if someone lies on their Membership Application?
Federal Filing Status:
Has BBHB considered becoming a Private Members Association or 501(c)3?
Why is there a donate option linked to Allegro? Does that mean BBHB is a 501(c)3?
What is a co-op share? What does that mean for me?
Employment at BBHB:
How can I apply to work for BBHB?
When will BBHB accept Membership Applications?
How does the application process work?
- Either visit and choose “Apply” or use the “Membership Referral Link” provided by a current member.
- Complete the Enrollment & Membership Application forms.
- Sign and submit all required documents.
- Pay the $25 per adult membership fee; children younger than the age of 18 are free.
The BBHB team will review and approve memberships in a timely manner.
What is included in my Membership?
- A custom Membership Referral Link.
- The ability to cast a vote on proposed co-op issues.
- The ability to “request a match” [open a case] for a blood donor match.
- The ability to manage your contact info and upload documentation for your blood type and other medical records as requested.
- Access to educational tools provided by our board members or co-op partners.
How do spouses apply?
Can my child(ren) be [a] member(s)?
We are both ineligible for membership due to receiving the COVID vaccination for cause; can our child(ren) become [a] member(s)?
If my spouse or intimate partner has received a blood transfusion and/or COVID injection(s), etc., am I eligible to become a BBHB member?
Referral Process:
How can I join if I don’t know a member that can refer me?
How do I use my Membership Referral Link to refer potential members?
Why is it my responsibility to screen who I refer to BBHB?
What do I do if I am not confident that a person meets the BBHB requirements, but they are asking for my Membership Referral Link?
How do I use a Membership Referral Link that was given to me?
Know your blood type:
What if I don’t know my blood type?
- ($21.19 @ a LabCorp); not available in NY, NJ, RI, HI, ND, VT
- ($35 at a QuestCare)
- (Amazon)
- While easy to do, the home test kit may provide invalid results if not performed correctly.
- More blood banks are requiring documentation of a blood type before they will accept directed donations. Note: a blood donor card seems to work well in most circumstances.
What if I don’t know my blood type?
- ($21.19 @ a LabCorp); not available in NY, NJ, RI, HI, ND, VT
- ($35 at a QuestCare)
- While easy to do, the home test kit may provide invalid results if not performed correctly.
- More blood banks are requiring documentation of a blood type before they will accept directed donations. Note: a blood donor card seems to work well in most circumstances.
Are at-home blood type tests accurate?
- While easy to do, the home test kit may provide invalid results if not performed correctly.
- More blood banks are requiring documentation of a blood type before they will accept directed donations. Note: a blood donor card seems to work well in most circumstances.
I am ineligible to donate according to the Red Cross standards or my medical history. Can I still become a member?
BBHB Blood Type Matching:
How can I donate blood to other BBHB Members?
We will reach out to you via email or text if you are a match. At this time, BBHB is not able to *store blood (similar to how the Red Cross works), so that requires members to be readily available to donate.
Will BBHB pay for me to travel to donate or receive blood?
If I am matched, who is responsible for any costs related to the directed donation?
How can I find a donor near me?
Why didn’t I get matched for a blood donation?
What if there is no one in my area to donate?
What if I need a blood transfusion in an emergency?
Testing Blood For Signs of mRNA Modification:
Why can’t blood be screened to see if someone has taken a COVID injection?
How does one prove they have “clean blood” if they are not referred by an active BBHB member?
BBHB will consider a statement from your professional medical care provider. It does not have to be from an MD, but it does have to be from a trustworthy provider. You can ask your provider to look for the code that indicates vaccination status. They can use that information to make an informed decision to write you a statement. If you need help finding a provider, a good place to start is GraithCare.
Blood Donations Outside of BBHB:
Can I store my own blood?
How long can blood be stored?
What is a “Designated Donor Order”?
What are the best practices to facilitate a Designated Donor Order?
Is a Designated Donor Order a standing or permanent order?
What is IOS?
Intraoperative blood salvage (IOS), also referred to as a “cell-saver”. This is a specific type of autologous blood transfusion whereby a patient’s own blood that is lost during surgery is recycled back to the patient. This method has been used for many years and the machine used is known as a cell-saver.
As your blood cycles through the machine, unneeded fat and tissue are washed away, red blood cells are separated out, and the blood is then returned to the patient. Using the cell-saver is safer because there is a greatly reduced risk of infection as well as the fact that the red blood cells are less damaged than those coming from donated blood. Additionally, using the cell- saver is much cheaper than the current cost per unit of banked blood. An autologous donation or use of the cell-saver should be your first request if your physician or surgeon tells you that you may need a transfusion during a surgical procedure.